Healers Empaths Overgivers

12 Weeks - Video And Guided Assignments

In this course:

  • 01 Healers are born with a unique gift that requires a much more evolved process for creating healthy relationships
  • 02 The gift of the healer is constantly looking to connect to a need.  How to make sure that connection is healthy for both.
  • 03 How to protect yourself from attracting emotional children, bottomless pits and narcissists
  • 04 The processes for healers necessary to be able to live without shutting down their heart
  • 05 Setting boundaries with those we're close to so we form healthy relationships and don't become their healer
  • 06 Healthy places to find opportunities where our gifts are welcomed, acknowledged, appreciated and acted on
  • 7 How To Set Boundaries That Can't Be Crossed. 
  • 8 Are they connected to you for you, or what they think they can get out of you?
  • 9 Ending Toxic Connections
  • 10 Taking responsibility for our habit of overgiving
  • 11 Knowing who to give your energy to
  • 12 How to set boundaries with the people we love the most

What People Are Saying:

My interactions with men have completely transformed! Something huge has shifted in me where I don't feel scared anymore. I am actually tearing up as I write this because I'm finally feeling love for men, and it is the most beautiful and freeing feeling ever. I don't feel like I'm not safe or that I have to hide. I don't feel like I have to cover up or can't make eye contact. I am finally learning to embrace my feminine beauty inside and out and it is attracting the most beautiful men.

Sara C

I thought that you couldn't have a great guy AND a passionate relationship. I was dating a decent, but boring guy where everything looked great on paper, but something was missing - PASSION! He didn't think I was funny and there just wasn't any sexual chemistry. He kept telling me he was in love and was even asking me to marry him, but my intuition was telling her something wasn't there. My last relationship was really passionate, but he was controlling, cheated, and couldn't keep his commitments or make me feel safe. So I thought that you had to choose between one or the other. Because of the support I got from Jenn, I learned that I could first believe in myself, and once I knew I was the kind of woman who could offer it all I realized it was possible for there to be a man who had it all.


What I wanted most was to be CHOSEN by someone. Actually, not just by someone, but by an incredible man who saw me as special. With Jenn's help I was able to begin to let go of all the old and toxic programming that had taken over my mind and heart. We worked on manifestation and just a few weeks later I met my conscious man. This month we've gone ring shopping! :)


$577.00 USD

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