Get Him Out Of Your Head


There is nothing more paralyzing than having a A Man Who Didn't Step Up And Commit spinning around inside our mind.

Nothing makes it more difficult for us to focus on living in the kind of energy that will draw in the man who will choose us every day than the one who didn't stuck in our head.

This program is going to clear that space and embody an energy that will manifest a relationship ready man who wants to choose you! 

6 Part Course To Get Him Out Of Your Head

  • Do You Feel Like You've Wasted Too Many Hours Thinking About Him? - We'll identify the heart structure you have that allows your heart to get stuck and prevents you from knowing you can attract everything he had plus a deep connection and commitment from him.
  • Have You Spent So Much Time Talking About Him That Friends And Family Are Burnt Out? - We can't tell our heart to simply forget about someone, we must prepare ourselves for the process.  Here we'll cover the foundation necessary to begin the process of letting go and getting our self back again.
  • Are You Embarrassed About The Way You're Checking What He's Up To? - Once our heart is free, we need to recode it so that it will only accept and attach to men who are relationship ready and have made a commitment to grow forward with us.
  • Are You Only Able To Stop Thinking About Him When You're Busy? - In moments of loneliness, boredom or anxiety our mind throws up images it associates with positive feelings.  We'll learn how to honor the memories, but not allow them to occupy our mind.
  • Do You Dread Night Time And Weekends Because He Takes Over Your Thoughts? - It's critical to the process that we don't judge ourselves for how we got him stuck in our head, now much time we invested into thinking about him or the way he pops up without us even trying.
  • Are You Ready To Become The Woman Who Is The One *He* Can't Get Out Of His Head? - Channeling our self worth and getting to the point where we deeply embrace and believe in the magnificence of the man we'll attract requires support across time by people we believe in and who believe in us.  Where do we find them and how do we get that support?

Top 5 Reasons We Get Him Stuck In Our Head:

1.  There's Just Something About Him Better Than Anyone Else

It's hard to shake the feeling that this man has something other men don't - and that thought keep us single because it prevents us from being seen by the man who has these qualities and is ready to step up and commit.



2. You've Never Experienced A Connection This Intense

Over and over I have witnessed this: a woman who can't let go of a man because of the intensity of the connection, the feelings and the bond that was once there, but that he has let go. Stop breaking your heart!   There's a man who has all this to offer, plus MORE!


3. You've Tried Dating Other Man - No One Compares

Many women have talked about how their dating experiences aren't turning up any men nearly as interesting as the one stuck in their head.  I promise you - there are absolutely exceptional men, but they can't make a connection with you while your heart is stuck!


4.  The Connection Is So Powerful It Feels Like Our Twin Flame

The feeling of a Twin Flame is difficult to shake.  "Will I ever feel anything this connected and this intense again?" This depth of feeling requires special support and tools in order to move past.  Not finding the right place to feel safe enough to make this happen can keep us stuck for years.  


 5.  We Believe We'll Prove Ourselves Worthy If "He" Chooses Us

Basing our worthiness on whether a man (usually a toxic one) chooses us or not is the most painful way a woman can live.  We deserve magnificent love, and that's has nothing to do with whether we can convince a man whose heart is shut down to accept the brilliance of the gift we have to offer.


6 Part Course To Get Him Out Of Your Head

  • 1. How We Get Stuck - We'll identify the heart structure you have that allows your heart to get stuck and prevents you from knowing you can attract everything he had plus a deep connection and commitment from him.
  • 2. Preparing To Let Go - We can't tell our heart to simply forget about someone, we must prepare ourselves for the process.  Here we'll cover the foundation necessary to begin the process of letting go and getting our self back again.
  • 3. Recoding Our Heart - Once our heart is free, we need to recode it so that it will only accept and attach to men who are relationship ready and have made a commitment to grow forward with us.
  • 4. Stopping The Thoughts Before They Can Get Started - In moments of loneliness, boredom or anxiety our mind throws up images it associates with positive feelings.  We'll learn how to honor the memories, but not allow them to occupy our mind.
  • 5. Letting Go Of Self Judgement - It's critical to the process that we don't judge ourselves for how we got him stuck in our head, now much time we invested into thinking about him or the way he pops up without us even trying.
  • 6. Claiming Your Worth & Activate Your Queen - Channeling our self worth and getting to the point where we deeply embrace and believe in the magnificence of the man we'll attract requires support across time by people we believe in and who believe in us.  Where do we find them and how do we get that support?


6 Modules ($900 Value)

5 Guided Meditations ($50 Value)

Healing Mantras


*$377 Monthly

All Access

*PERMANENTLY Own After 10 Months

ALL 18 Courses & 60 Meditations:

Relationship Recovery - How To Get Over Past Relationships, Even From Narcissists

Healers Empaths & Overgivers - Ending The Need To Be Perfect To Feel Loved

Get Him Out Of My Head! - Letting Go Of Past Loves

SelfLove Soulmate - Become Completely Confident & Irresistible

Understanding Men 1.0 - Understand Men Better Than They Understand Themselves

Understanding Men 2.0 - A Deep Dive Right Into What's Going On In The Souls of Men

How To Talk To Men - The Secrets To Getting The Most Masculine Man Engaged In The Relationship

Leaning Back 6 Month Online Course - Creating a Space No Man Can Resist

The First 90 Days - How to be like no woman he's ever met

Open His Heart - The Way Men Respond To Feminine Energy And Choose To Commit

Soul Seduction - The Final Step To Creating A Relationship Where He Sees You As His One And Only

Healing Masculine Wounding - Eliminating Triggers That Blow Up Relationships

Healing Feminine Wounding 6 Month Course - Eliminating Trauma From Our Mothers Pain Projected Onto Us

Feminine Vulnerability - The Building Blocks Of Every Conscious Relationship

Soul Sex Mastery - Vulnerability In The Most Intimate Setting

Standards & Boundaries - MCW Becoming A Woman High Value Men Seek Out

Dating Q & A - MCW Answering All The Biggest Questions On How To Navigate Real Situations

Uncomfortable Conversations - MCW Video Series Where Jenn & Graham Have the "Big Talks" Live On Camera

Leadership For Women - MCW Living and Leading by Example as a Conscious Woman


Finances For Empaths - Financial Mastery For Women Who Put Relationships Ahead Of Money

Organization For Creatives - How To Create A Life That Simply And Naturally Organizes Itself - Especially For The Creatives Brain


Jennifer & Graham have created a practice of profound vulnerability in their "no compromise" relationship that has resulted in a connection that becomes more intimate by the day.

Three months before they met, each made a commitment to fully embrace who they were and not to settle for anything less than a partner who completely checked all the boxes. 

They are the only couple in the relationship space who live the truth of every facet of their relationship candidly and can earnestly say, "If two people as unique and intense as us can create synergy between the masculine and feminine, it's possible for ANYONE!"


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