Healing Feminine Wounding

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Is your mother's trauma sabotaging your chances for lasting love?

Do you ever:

  • Worry that you're too much or not enough?
  • Find yourself going from confident woman to anxious girl?
  • Feel like you need to test a man's love?
  • Constantly second guess a man's sexual interest?
  • Over react or blow up the space in relationships?

Or maybe you're confident up until the point you encounter a man you're deeply attracted to...

If you answered "Yes" to any of these, this course is for you!

$977.00 USD

Click "YES" to receive 90 days FREE in our private Mentoring Group! 🎁💖

After 90 days membership renews at $27/mo vs Regular price $47/mo

*Cancel anytime.  Notifications provided before the first paid month.