For Women Who Refuse To Settle...
What if your standards WEREN'T too high? What if finding a High Value Man Online Was Simple And Hassle Free?
Inside you is an intuitive sense that you can have everything you’re looking for, an emotionally mature, relationship ready man who gets to know you and realizes that there’s no other woman as perfectly suited to him as you.
(I'm a man and I agree it's possible!!!)
Even if your "Must Have" list is 200 details long, there is a man out there with all those qualities (and MORE)…
… this course has plenty of examples of women who have had long lists and found their man!

If you think:
You can't find him online…
⇒ 90% of the women we work with meet their “unicorn” online after they know the way to get a High Value man’s attention.
High Quality Men aren't online…
⇒ just because there’s a lot of frogs, doesn’t mean you have to work your way through them before you find your prince.
Or that…
… men are looking for women without kids.
… you have to be “young”.
… you have to be a certain “type”.
… or if you feel like there’s no way to know for sure if he’s a player, a poser, a jerk, a heartbreaker or the kind of man you can trust to build a relationship that will last a lifetime.
The ability to connect with a “Once In A Lifetime Man” comes down to this:
Having someone who’s gone before you
Following a proven path that 100's of other women used to end up with the kind of love you're looking for
Doing online dating right is counterintuitive!
It’s not just men who have poorly written profiles, most women don’t know how to write for the kind of man they want to attract either. The good news is, even with the free tips you can download you’ll be in the top 1% of profiles men notice.
This course is designed to go beyond that, because while being in the top 1% is remarkable almost anyplace else, when you’re looking for a “Once In A Lifetime” kind of love the standards rise again…
You’ll need a few things…
- A man’s perspective — everyone who takes this course has the opportunity to have a man go through their profile and tweak and adjust it until it reflects the most attractive qualities of her in a way men can’t help but notice!
- Women who have attracted “The One” — getting a man’s perspective is critical, but hearing from women who are now in relationships with these kinds of men and their understanding of men is priceless!
100 profiles of women who have nailed it — hardly anyone finds it easy or comfortable to talk about themselves. These sample profiles of all kinds of different personalities make it easy to get started.

There’s never been a better time to be online dating,
more men than ever are looking for their match there,
creative, natural born educator that you are
…Covid has forced virtually all activities into safe spaces, including dating.
… the kind of man you’re looking for has a full life and online dating is a way to find the kind of woman he’s looking for and he’s going to be patient until he finds her.
“You weren’t born to settle. He’s out there and just as committed to finding you.”
- Graham White

You can take this at your own pace.
You will be supported by an experienced group of “Experts”; women who have gone through this process already and understand all the things you’re going through
You’re not just finding a partner to spend your life with, you’re showing up as the miracle he’s been looking for too. “What you are seeking is also seeking you.”
Best of all, you’ll become part of a tribe of women that are very hard to find...
There’s a lot of people out there who are going to tell you that what you’re looking for is impossible, that you should lower your standards or that the kind of man you want is a “unicorn”.
I’m a man who’s telling you that’s NOT TRUE and seen time after time the women I work with attract partners that make MY head spin!
You do not have to do it alone!
When you join Online Dating For High Value Women, you won’t just be leaning on my 12 years helping women use online dating to make a connection that lasts the rest of their lives.
You’ll also be surrounded by a community of women like you who refused to settle or lower their standards and because of it are the envy of all the other women in their lives!
Women who get you, who’ve been where you are, and who have seen major shifts in their own lives from never letting go of the belief that MORE is possible
"It's like having your resume reviewed by a professional who has seen and worked on thousands of resumes and then helps you get yours to look like the top 1%. Our online profiles are our social resumes. This feedback is great stuff! "
Suzanne M.
Worried About Missing The One?
- Watch a sample from the video: "Yes No or Block?"
Here’s a glimpse at more of
what's waiting for you inside
Online Dating For High Value Women:

Unlimited Access + Support
You’ll be part of this amazing community for as long as it’s a place that creates synergy in your process of having the type of relationship you desire, even after you find your man.
PLUS 60 Days FREE Access To Our Amazing Inner Circle Women!

Videos Detailing Every Aspect of Dating
These videos cover much more than just how to construct a profile that gets the attention you want. We go much deeper into how to filter out the attention you don’t want, questions to ask to tell the players from the partners and even what to look for on the early dates.

High Value Women Private Community
The quality of the women and answers in this group is SO much higher than anything else you’ll quickly find you become the mentor and advice giver in any other group you’re in. Exceptional women committed to high quality relationships - the same as you.

Bonuses & Discounts!
We are always adding to the resources in this course as women come up with new questions and scenarios that aren’t covered in the material. You’ll also have discounted access to our other courses like “Understanding Men” (know the way men think even better than they do themselves!).
You'll get everything you need to call in the kind of love you’ve never stopped believing in.
Avoid having one more bad date, one more month without connecting to a quality man and no more nights wondering if "he" is out there.
Update: They've moved in now and are building a house together!
Here’s the frustrating truth:
What you’ve tried so far hasn’t gotten you the kind of relationship you want...

But it’s a bit of a cruel joke that men and women have to try to make a connection with each other when they really don’t understand the language each other uses.
At least with the tools in this program, a man’s perspective and the support from other women who have attracted an exceptional man you’ll have the things you need to know how to comfortably and authentically share the best parts of who you are and what you’re looking for.
You really need this kind of support to be able to have a decent chance of making the kind of connection you want instead of trying to figure out if someone whose profile looks ok is actually who they seem to be.
With all the information this program provides, not only will you be able to put together a top 1% profile, you’re going to understand a whole lot more about the way men think and look at online dating…
… and understanding the way men think is going to make connecting in person and creating a connection that lets him know you’re not like any other woman he’s ever met.
This is going to give you such a huge advantage over any other women he may have noticed, messaged or begun getting to know that they are quickly going to disappear from his attention.
You’re not simply wanting to meet an amazing man, you’re looking to create a bond that effortlessly overcomes any hesitation he might have about the idea of focusing all of his attention on you.
When you join the group you'll get a free profile rewrite to make your profile stand out!
Here's a quick sample:
The 3 Most Important Skills You Need To Create A Profile Men Can't Help But Notice
(and how to 💥BLOCK💥 the ones not worth your time...)
Putting together the ideal series of pictures and writing a description of you that is intriguing and can’t be mistaken for anyone else.
I’ll be really honest - less than 1/20 women choose pictures that are going to get the right kind of attention from the right kind of men.
That means that most men are either going to pass right on by or swipe for the wrong reasons and the men you want to connect with are going to miss you.
The truth is that for anyone who isn’t a professional in front of the camera, it’s hard to know what pictures capture us best in the way we want to be seen.
By having other people look at the photos you’re choosing, and particularly by having a man go through them you can be confident that you’re projecting the image you want to lead with.
Any man interested in a long-term relationship is going to look at more than the pictures that caught his attention, he’s going to take time to read everything you’ve written.
That starts with the right profile name and a first sentence that reaches through the screen and really grabs his attention.
The good news is that you don’t have to be a brilliant writer, you just need to be authentic and avoid anything that can be taken in an unintended way.
How do you avoid a message you didn’t intend?
That’s where having a man read through it to make sure that the tone you intended is how it will be received.
A problem I see often with women who have big energy is that what they write comes across VERY differently than how they intended it and pushes men away.
When is the right time for "the 1st time"?
- Watch this sample clip out of: "From The First Date To The 1st Time
Once you begin attracting a lot of attention you really need to develop your “SCREEN & BLOCK” muscle.
Not every guy on a dating site is going to be looking for the same things as you, be even remotely what you’re looking for or have a genuine availability to date.
Some guys are really smooth in how they put together their profiles and what they say in their messages, but they’ve just been at this much longer than you and they know the things to say to quickly get to what they want - then they’re just as quickly gone.
The ones with energy that just doesn’t connect for you are pretty easy to screen out and block, especially with the encouragement and support of the other women in the group.
It’s the ones who have developed an impressive game that are going to hurt the most when you feel like they’re leading you in a genuine direction and it turns out they had no intention of ever committing to a relationship.
I’m sure you’re a very nice person. Normally that’s a positive quality to bring to any process.
Online dating requires a bit more toughness and even a little ruthlessness when it comes to making sure you don’t get taken advantage of.
The majority of people aren’t selfish, it’s just that they’re self interested. Then there’s the selfish ones. The critical ones to avoid are the narcissists.
The solution?
You want to be able to ask for perspective from someone who can spot these kinds of people a mile away so you don’t have to go through the personal pain of learning the hard way.
I can spot these kinds of men as if they have a giant red blinking light on their profile, but there are also many women who have gotten really good at doing this in the group who can share their stories about the “one who looked so perfect on paper”.
I don’t want you to be scared of the process, but it’s safer when you have a healthy dose of skepticism around the ones that seem almost too good to be true.
Identifying your own blind spots.
We all have blind spots.
Most of us turn off our critical thinking when someone has a particularly gorgeous profile picture.
A 10,000 watt smile is nearly impossible to resist too.
But a blind spot can be anything that when we see - or think we see - a certain quality that we weigh it so heavy in our choice to connect that we’re blind to things that with with anyone else would be Red Flags.
I don’t know anyone who hasn’t overlooked a Red Flag early on in their online dating experience that hasn’t been really hurt by someone that they were smitten by one or two big positives to the degree that they couldn’t see the negatives.
These relationships cost us a lot - a lot of time, a lot of heartache and in some cases a lot of money.
Far more women than I’d like to recall have “loaned” money to a guy who seemed charming and authentic only to end up completely taken advantage of.
Give someone money if you want — just don’t ever expect to get it back. Lending money to people we know is not a loan, it’s a gift.
Here’s the critical piece:
All of us have blind spots. The key is being surrounded by people who have our back who aren’t in the middle of the momentum of the feelings we’re being swept up in. As long as you have a great group of virtual wing(wo)men, you’ll be fine!
Being able to show up with comfortable energy the very first time you meet a high value man.
The difference between a woman who shows up with obvious nerves and one who is really confident and centered in her energy is very compelling to a man.
Assuming that you want to meet a confident man, you’ll want to be able to bring your most magnificent self the first time you meet in person.
Nothing is worse than feeling like you finally met someone remarkable, the time you spend feels great to you, but there’s no follow up on his part and you don’t know why.
If you’re always authentic and comfortable, you’ll never have to wonder.
You know how important your first impression of him is, right?
Are you confident you’ll have presence when you need it most?
There’s a shortcut to getting to the most comfortable version of you, the kind of energy that any man easily opens up in.
Part of that is really to share with you here - it’s not meeting the first time for a date, but rather just a meeting.
That’s the really simple version of how to hack confidence the first time you meet someone that makes you a little weak in the knees. This course has an entire module focused on how to do this including meditations to do before and during a date if you feel yourself slipping.
There’s never been a better time to be online dating because there’s so few places to meet people out in everyday life!

The current global crisis has resulted in 70 million more people going online to find love for the first time.
According to the data 63 percent have never tried online dating before.
That means a lot more men, but a lot more women too.
The good news is YOU have tools that they don’t have to make you stand out from everyone else.
The kind of man you’re looking for is only going to invest more than a surface glance at anything other than a top 1% profile.
If you’re going to put in the effort anyway, don’t you want to know that you have something that’s going to get him to actually stop and take a deeper look?
If you’ve made it this far, it’s because you sense how important it is to take this seriously. Not just to fill a Friday night, but to make the kind of connection that will fill all the Friday nights for the rest of your life.
You’re ready for this.
You’re going to have a ton of support doing this.
You’re here because you’re done guessing at what will make a connection at the deep soul level and you’re ready to make it happen!
In short, you're ready for a relationship with a magnificent man!
And with the 30 day money back guarantee, you’ve got nothing to lose!!
YES! Get ME Started!Ways to be like no woman he's ever met
- Watch a sample from the video: "Win His Heart In The First 90 Days"
If you don’t know us already, we’re Graham & Jenn. We began “What Evolved Women Want” in 2012 and have reached tens of millions of women since.

We had both been separated for 4 years when we met, but we never would have bumped into each other if we hadn’t gone online.
We had some incredibly high standards of what we were looking for and settling for “pretty good” wasn’t an option for either of us because we had 3 & 4 children respectively with unique needs that were our first priority.
Within 24 hours of Jenn posting her profile online she had over 200 replies.
A number of them were from men who were attractive, well dressed, had great pictures, good energy and descriptions of themselves that were unique, witty and had life well in hand.
But there was one message that stood out from all the others...
“Before I put my profile online I wrote what’s below in my journal:”
- I want a man who touches and kisses me - A LOT!
- I want a man who will welcome my body crawling onto his in the middle of the night - a man who wraps himself around me and our bodies become one.
- I want a man who will genuinely acknowledge and appreciate me.
- I want a man who shows me that I'm safe, even when I don't know what I'm feeling - a man I can trust with all the scary parts of myself that *I* am still working to dissect and understand.
- I want a man who has the courage to call me out, who sees my gifts and reflects them back to me.
- I want a man who won't settle, who sees my potential and challenges me to reach for it.
- I want a man with a powerful presence. A man masculine enough to hold the space to let my emotions move through me.
- I want a man who has stepped through his fear and has a clear sense of why he's here and who he's meant to serve.
- I want a man who will allow me to love him. A man who believes he deserves to be honoured, respected and loved deeply. A man who knows his worth and has accepted all that he is and all that he will be.
"I instantly knew there was something different about Graham when I read HIS profile. I can tell you 8 years later this man still is everything on my list Plus More!"
(Profile's of High Value men are included in this course.)

| Online Dating For High Value Women
Module One
Getting started:
- Create a Top 1% profile or improve your current one
- Make it exciting and irresistible by choosing your ideal photos
- Take the perfect pictures with just your phone and a friend
- Get ideas from dozens of image makeovers
- Look through and take ideas from other top 1% profiles
By the time you’ve finished this, you’ll have everything you need to create the kind of profile men stop and read through.

| Online Dating For High Value Women
Module Two
What High Value Men Are Looking For:
- A lot of men either aren't ready or aren't serious about relationships - discover how to tell who is
- Understand what quality men want and where they are online and in real life
- What to look for in a man's profile for signs he's not as serious as he appears
- How to share who you are and what you're looking for so you attract your ideal match
This is all about making sure you don't simply attract a man, you attract the RIGHT MAN!

| Online Dating For High Value Women
Module Three
From Your First Look Until That "!st Time":
- Getting all the critical information you need before you agree to meet
- Questions to ask on your first 3 dates by to get him to give you the real information you need to know
- How to know if he's just skin deep or has the emotional maturity to go the distance
We've worked with far too many women who have invested time in relationships only to find out months in that they didn't have what it takes to go the distance. Don't let it happen to you. This module is all about how to know what's important before you invest too much of your heart.

| Online Dating For High Value Women
Module Four
Dealing With Unwanted Attention:
- From the unsolicited to the inappropriate, how to handle anything unwanted or uncomfortable
- Attention isn't always positive. These are ways to respond that keep you safe, secure and available for the attention you actually want
- When you get your profile to the level of a Top 1%er, you're going to get lot of attention. Now you'll want to know how to respond the the ones that don't quite measure up
From unwanted to overwhelming, this is the information that will make sure you're not stressing out about online messaging.
"Thank you Graham! Learning so much from this process and am no longer resisting it but looking forward to it. My friend and I had a funny conversation yesterday about our old profiles and as we were both cringing at the old ones with things we said, energy we brought to them and the pictures we chose, it was so obvious to me why I got the low quality responses I did."
Terri W.

Join Our Inner Circle For A Free Month With Remarkable Women!
This is a unique opportunity to connect with women who have worked with us and met their forever man.
If your friends and family haven't been able to give you the advice you need, or tell you your standards are too high you're going to really appreciate this space!
More than just dating and relationship support, these are women, most who identify as "highly sensitive", that we support in all areas of life.
That’s a whole lot of reasons to say YES!
Not convinced you’re ready?
(you can always get the free download...)
If you answer any of these next questions with a “Hell YES!” It's time...
✓ I'm looking for a deep and lasting relationship.
✓ I'd LOVE it if someone could create the ideal dating profile for me!
✓ I'm tired of trying to figure out what men are looking for.
✓ I tried online dating before and didn't end up where I wanted to be.
✓ I want to know the places quality men are online and in real life.
✓ I'd prefer only great dates going forward.
✓ I'm done with giving second chances to men who don't follow through.
✓ I want more than fun, I want someone who's looking for deeper love.
✓ I'm an amazing woman who knows she deserves an equally amazing man!
If you checked ✓ “Yes!” to any of the points above, you're ready!
By now you know you really want a relationship…
… and those that struggle to attract one need this.
You get everything you need to call in the kind of love you’ve never stopped believing in.
Avoid having one more bad date, one more month without connecting to a quality man and no more nights wondering if "he" is out there.