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"I JUST GOT ENGAGED AND WE’RE PLANNING OUR WEDDING! Being alone was so hard, but you helped me accept that toxic space is no space at all. Working with you helped me realize that I was giving away my worth. This man is SO different from anyone I experienced before. You’re my Goddess of Love - I wouldn’t have met him without you! 💍🙏🏻🌟💙"

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"THE MOST MAGNIFICENT MAN CAME INTO MY LIFE AND HAS ROCKED MY WORLD! 💕😊 He is everything I have waited my whole life for. I decided that I would rather be alone than with a man that didn't see and honour the goddess in me. You made me realize that I needed to quit settling for less than an authentic awesome and amazing man."

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"COMPLETELY NON-JUDGEMENTAL SPACE. Not with my own family or even my close friends have a felt so safe to feel and express my most deep-seated fears and emotions. You are a totally conscious bad-ass who makes it safe to feel the entire spectrum of feelings. Your ability to intuitively sense when something big is coming up is uncanny!!!"

Anna M
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"I HAVEN'T FELT THIS FREE AND HAPPY IN SO LONG!!! I already feel like a huge weight has been lifted from both my mind and body. So happy to have given myself “permission” to work with you. I know you are the special person who will be able to help me deal with this horrible, heavy weight I have been lugging around, for what feels like my whole life."

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"ENDED MY MARRIAGE AND ATTRACTED WHAT I DESERVED. I knew that somewhere along the way I’d lost myself and the dream I had for what I wanted from a partner, but I’d become so buried under the feelings of the relationship I didn’t know who I was or what I truly deserved. Your support gave me the courage to become the woman I was meant to be, attract an AMAZING partner, and I’m truly living my life now - not just surviving it. "

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"MY ENTIRE BODY IS FEELING THE SHIFT!!! After my divorce, I sank so deep into my career and masculine energy that I almost forgot what it means to be a woman. Last week you lifted up the veil I had put over my eyes and said, “Go deeper, to who you really are.” I noticed myself moving slower, from my hips, listening to different music, putting lotions on my body, doing yoga and taking myself on a date… and actually enjoying my own company! This is the first time in my life that I realize something that was inside me all along can feel this good! With your help I have reclaimed the magic of my feminine energy completely!"

Leslie A
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"I SHOULD NEVER HAVE WAITED TO CALL YOU! I was afraid you would tell me that I needed to end it. How refreshing and comforting that you did not take that approach. You came from a place of compassion and understanding as well as gentleness that made it easy to hear what I needed to hear. It’s the first time in a really long time that I feel optimistic about what I’m going to work on next."

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"I’VE NEVER FELT SUCH A BIG LOVING OPEN ❤️ !!! Our call last night was by far the most powerful thing I’ve experienced! Today I'm practically steaming of energy, self love and give less fucks! I wanted to let you know I really appreciate you. I've been through years of therapy and counselling, but what I feel with you keep your heart wide open the whole time where therapists feel so clinical and distant. Big love!"

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"I’ve gone from feeling like a scared little girl, attracting and being attracted to “boys” and scaring off the men, to attracting a handful of really good men who were interested in something serious with me. We also worked together on the way I presented myself, to more accurately reflect the “new me” in the online dating world and boom! Totally new kind of men showed up! 😊👏🏻"

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"The time I spent mentoring with Graham has had the most impact on my being of anything in my life. He challenged me to step up and be a man in every aspect of life and inspired me by seeing greatness in me before I realized it in myself. The work I did with him allowed me to finally address and get honest about something that has always been a weakness and embarrassment… Financial responsibility. I was also trapped in an addiction that I did not realize – alcohol. I am sober 17 months and as I am working thru cleaning up my past and rebuilding who I really am I am discovering my true purpose in life. I am convinced deep within me and in my innermost masculinity that I need to do this."

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"Working with Graham has broken open the protective layer I had created to keep my heart safe. I have been attracting in special men and shifted how people flow into my business practice in a way that feels effortless now. I attended so many weddings without a ‘Plus 1,’ but now I’m attracting the kind of energy, love, attention and affection that my soul was craving."

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"I'm in an industry surrounded by other men who measure your worth based on the size of the accounts you manage and how many women you’ve scored. The truth is, there is no dollar figure or number of sexual conquests that can fill a hole in your soul. Working with Graham I finally have a purpose beyond my next million. I see how the pieces fit together for me as a father, a partner, a leader and a businessman. It’s like I’m seeing 360 and breathing without the weight I was carrying for so long. Today I’m living fully alive."

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"Something about Graham sees you in a way that is both pure and powerful. For the first time in my life I knew that I deserved to put myself ahead of what my parents, partner or society thought of me and consider what I truly wanted for *me*. My self-worth stopped being a measure of my success of the man I was with and life just became a question of what *I* wanted for myself. I’ve found peace, I’ve found purpose, I’ve found a woman that deserves to be loved."

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"It’s rare to find someone to talk through your life challenges with where you don’t have to keep it all together. I pride myself on what I’ve created in business, but my priority is my family and relationship with my partner. Not only is Graham able to create a space to work through any issues that come up with any of the kids, but knowing his partner can provide honest feminine perspective to my partner means I’m not doing this alone. My business has grown at the same time as I have been able to create a deeper, closer and more personal dynamic in my relationship."

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"Our conversation was a reminder that I am not lost as much as I simply needed to reconnect with my authentic self - the new and improved version of me- and I need to consciously re-create my new life. I'm very grateful for our conversation. You have a true gift for helping people. I want to especially thank you for your gift of honesty and communicating your perceptions in such a clear way. "

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"I’M BECOMING IRRESISTIBLE TO EVERYONE! Graham, I had to send you an update to let you know what's going on- All of a sudden I'm having men flirting with me BIG TIME...and my female clients tipping big tips! What on earth!? You helped me find the most authentic and attractive version of me!"

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"I HAVE SO MUCH CONFIDENCE THAT I’M READY FOR THE RELATIONSHIP I REALLY WANT! It was SO helpful and insightful to have a conscious man’s perspective and so different from speaking with a woman (who it feels more like will soften the truth to spare your feelings). Sometimes it’s hard to be honest with ourselves so I appreciated the way you share the truth and was amazed how on point you were with your observation! Even if what you told me wasn’t easy to hear, I would still have been happy because you have such an honest, clear masculine perspective and your energy makes it safe enough to trust. I found our call HUGELY valuable, it was such a pleasure to speak with you! "

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