More Orgasms In A Weekend Than I Had In My Life

sex Apr 19, 2019

How can a woman who had difficulty reaching orgasm for 20 years all of a sudden become multi-orgasmic?

The very first time we had sex I felt like I'd gone from a 1 to a 10. Graham actually chucked when I told him and said, "That was a 2."  I half thought he was kidding, but so few women have experienced a conscious man that what's possible is barely represented in movies and romance novels.

I didn't understand that I had so much more of myself to give him, to trust myself to let go of that what felt like I'd just lived through a torrid scene in a novel was just me giving him a small part of my body.

The more the relationship of trust between us grew the more I was able to open up those parts of me that I was still holding onto and keeping safe.  As I began to trust, I began to think less and feel more.

I don't think we as women realize how much we hold onto and worry about; how we sound, how we smell, how we taste, if our technique feels or looks odd, what our facial expressions look like, and if our body is the kind that turns him on.

I've been able to completely abandon myself and the need to think or control the experience to a man I trust. I trust him completely with my orgasm and each time he takes it a bit further and I experience something new. Toys don't do that. Self-stimulated orgasms can't do that. As good as they are, it's kind of like tickling yourself - you know what to expect and you can predict the outcome.

With a conscious man I don't have to think, I can just feel my body being respected and cared for, pleasured and pushed towards ecstasy. I can allow my body to do what it wants to do without fear and hesitation.

Pleasure rips through my body breaking me open over and over and over again. Each time is better then the last. Each moment I'm more attracted to this magnificent man I can trust with the most intimate parts of not only my body but the deepest parts of my soul. I ache for his energetic presence and his body.  I want him to have me, consume me, take me further...

Have you pushed those boundaries?  Have you been safe enough with a man to reveal the things that have drifted through your mind when you've let it run wild?  Do you dare?

Somewhere inside your intuition tells you that all this is possible - total abandon with a man who is a ravishing lover, a magnificent companion, a genuine leader and consistent in every area of life. You control who you choose to be and who you attract into your life.

For more information on our books and courses that cover this in more detail, or to book a one on one session, send a message through the “Contact” page.

Jenn <3


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